Monday 26 September 2011

Facebook Business Card

One of the exciting aspects of the course was incorporating social media into potential business opportunities. I see Facebook as being a very personal profile that is, ideally, only shared with your closest friends and people you chose to share it with. Often when young adults are looking for an official career they will get rid of their last name so that their Facebook page doesn't play a role in being hired or not. Because of these, I was surprised to hear of Facebook being used as a means to circulate your resume on the web. Although I was skeptical at first a was quick to learn that Facebook could be used as a form to circulate your resume and that people who had done so relieved jobs. After moving away from the idea that Facebook should be purely based on what you were doing in your life or the photo's up from a crazy night the previous weekend I was able to see that Facebook was a smart way to showcase all that a person is involved with and a professional side. Just from looking at a possible employee's professional Facebook page you can see what they like, interesting research they have been involved in or what they are currently working on. It is the most recent form of what a person is doing and in a very accessible way!My friend Jayden, made an amazing Facebook resume and used her real name so it could be used for her next employment opportunity.

I created an online business resume that contains most of the important information employers look for while in the hiring process.

Here is a link to my Facebook business card!
I made it under an alias as to not give away to much personal information for our ALES class.
Agriculture Anonymous is my alias.

My Online Business Card


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