Thursday 15 September 2011


Hello, my name is Kelley and I am happy to welcome you to my first ever blog! I am currently in my second year of Agriculture and Resource Economics  at the U of A and it has taken me down a road that I never imagined.  This blog is for my ALES 204 class which has an aim at getting students comfortable with social media and using it in all aspects of our lives, whether that be school, personal or even business!

When I am finished school I would ideally like to work as a consultant or on a team that is driven with the environments best interests in mind. Being a consultant comes with the task of being in constant contact with different people and groups working towards a common goal. Whether it be through email or phone messaging, consultants are continuously communicating with others. Being as social media's are becoming more and more common in everyday life I have no doubt that in the next few years they will make there way into the workplace as well. Being that everyone is given a blackberry or iphone now for work it is easy to think that Facebook or twitter could one day make its way into the workplace. Even though presently that seems like an unrealistic prediction I feel it is totally possible.

Just to add a little more about myself so you can relate to who you are reading over the term I am happy to tell you a few extras not related to school. I enjoy summer time because I love spending time outside. This summer I went to Newfoundland with my family and we spent the first half of our week hiking and kayaking, we also drove down to St. Johns and saw the icebergs right off the shore! I had never seen anything like it before. Over the weekend we spent our time at the George Street music festival and enjoyed all kinds of music with fellow Newfoudlanders. To end the summer I spent a week on a houseboat with 14 friends which was fun and relaxing in the beautiful Okanogin in BC. I spent my last 10 days before school on a road trip with 3 friends all through BC. We camped and spent much time on the beaches and at roadside stops! Although I had an amazing summer I look forward to winter to spend time snowboarding and outdoors, but this time dressed much warmer!

I hope you enjoy my post's to come and get to know me better as the semester continues! Happy blogging!

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